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At the risk being accused of hyperbole, this is one of the most powerful episodes of the OPP yet. 
The ever passionate Todd White (Dry Farm Wines) reveals his Profit and Peace Manifesto: how focusing on gratitude and abundance rather than financial results has helped Dry Farm Wines build the fastest growing club in the world – one that features 6 hour work days, daily team meditations and affirmations, and 100X growth last year. (We don’t even mention wine until the 37 min mark.)
I visited the Dry Farm Wines team in Napa Valley to participate in their daily pre-work ritual of meditation, affirmation and gratitude. What I experienced was beyond my expectations.
The transformative power of their energy, light, and love revealed much about their success as individuals and as a team. Todd shares how we can build these habits into our lives along with the deeper impact of living in a world filled with love and support.
As Todd reminds us, “Darkness cannot exist in the presence of light. Likewise, our doubts and fears cannot exist in a world of love, gratitude and abundance.”
We explore practical ways to implement these concepts, along with minimalism, creating rockstars, setting boundaries between work and personal life, and leaning into – or striving for – a particular goal is the last thing you want to do.
Replace expectation with appreciation and you’ll find peace.
Tune in – and share this episode with your friends, family, and co-workers (I dare you!) to create this fail-proof family environment in your community.
 [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuidcvgsBwI[/embedyt]

Tune in to the latest OPP now!

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