This week’s podcast is short and powerful – especially if you’ve ever been confused about what diet to follow or what foods to eat/not eat.
My friend Chris Dufey helps fitness minded entrepreneurs build the mind, body and businesses they want.
His latest book, Craving The Truth was his attempt to bring clarity to the public with nutrition advice that works.
For example, we cover:
** Why The Clean Plate Club Actually Builds Bad Habits
** How To Help Kids Create Positive Relationships With Food
And, the best part…Chris won’t make a dime from this book. 100% of the proceeds go to a charity that provide meals for kids in needs.
1 book = 1 month of food for 1 child.
- Helping people build the mind, body and business they want
- Why are we leading a life of compromise?
- How Chris is making sure his daughters do not grow up with poor relationships with food
- The problem with the “Clean Plate Club”
- Empowering the right people to do the right things
- The four principles of Craving The Truth
- How structure provides a lot of freedom
- You have to take responsibility for your health and your body
One of my biggest takeaways from my friendship with Chris (and something he says in this interview) = don’t lead a life of compromise.
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