Brian Barney is a world class bowhunter, host of Eastman’s Hunting and Fly fishing podcasts, a business owner, father and husband. He’s one of the hardest working, most positive humans you’ll ever meet, and his passion and drive are absolutely contagious.

Man, this was an awesome conversation with a passionate human. We talk about Brian’s career path as a bowhunter, how he’s built multiple businesses doing what he loves, and we touch on some valuable lessons with massive transfer to every area of life, including:

  • Hard work is rewarded
  • Do what you love
  • Creating and capitalizing on opportunities
  • Accumulate reps – there is no shortcut to mastery
  • Test and challenge ourselves often
  • How to live with a full heart!

PRESS PLAY to TUNE IN for a conversation about testing ourselves, pushing our limits, surviving in nature, our training regimens, mindset strategies and more!

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