Tag Archives: adversity

BHP 098: Brian Barney | Bowhunting and Living With A Full Heart

Brian Barney is a world class bowhunter, host of Eastman’s Hunting and Fly fishing podcasts, [...]

BHP 096: Marcus Aurelius Anderson | The Gift of Adversity

While preparing to deploy with the U.S. Army Light Infantry, Marcus suffered a severe spinal [...]

BHP Shorts 017: Who Are You At Your Worst?

If I asked you how much you squat, it’s likely that your answer would reflect [...]

BHP 037: Joe Buckner | From 4-Time Felon to Community Leader & Successful Business Owner

Like his chosen sport of pugilism – and the name of his boxing studio – [...]

143: Rick Alexander Burn Your Couch, Mindset, Choice Architecture, Intentional Lifestyle Design

[iframe style=”border:none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5812733/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/yes/render-playlist/no/theme/custom/tdest_id/527281/custom-color/ffb405″ height=”100″ width=”480″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] Author of Burn Your [...]