Tag Archives: science

BHP 106: Dr. Russell Jaffe | Thriving In The 21st Century

The one and only Dr. Russell Jaffe is our first 3-time guest on the Better [...]

BHP 080: Dr. Russell Jaffe | Former NIH Senior Scientist on Coronavirus and Immunity

World renown scientist and medical pioneer Doctor Russell Jaffe is back on the BHP! Dr. [...]

BHP Shorts 026: Measure What Matters

One of the major challenges we face in today’s ever-evolving world is knowing which piece(s) [...]

BHP 067: Dr Russell Jaffe | Lessons From Science, Medicine & Buddhism

The incomparable Dr. Russell Jaffe joins us on the Better Human Project this week. Mentored [...]

BHP 029: Tony Blauer | How To Manage Fear & Become a Human Weapon

Over the last 4 decades Tony Blauer has created, refined, and taught his self-defense methods, [...]