The Rule of Thirds comes from Major League Baseball, where even the best teams lose about 1/3 of their games while the worst teams win about 1/3 of their games.

What separates the “good” teams from the “bad” teams, is what they do in the remaining 1/3 of their games. What happens in those remaining 50 games determines the success (or failure) of their seasons.

The analogous carryover to the human experience is the lesson in today’s BHP Short.

We can (roughly) expect to have about 1/3 of our days go our way while another 1/3 will be struggles (emotionally, physically, etc etc), that’s just life. We’re going to have some wins and we’re going to have some losses.

The remaining third of our days could go either way.

What we do with those days determines the level of success and enjoyment we derive from this life.

The Rule of Thirds is unique spin on the timeless axioms that we control our attitude and effort, and how we spend our time and the choices we make dictate our fate.

By acknowledging that life’s ups and downs are unavoidable, we open ourselves to the opportunity to find the variables we can control, and the choices that awareness affords us.

What we do with those choices determines the rest.

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