AM Fasted Weight = 193.2
OK let’s do this! Weight is rebounding back up after my week off. I’ll be traveling at the end of this week, so my goal is to not lose weight while I’m gone! We’ll walk about that strategy next week!
Today, we’re going to look at what I did last week to work on my weak points. As I’ve told you before, I have 2 that I’m focusing on besides overall strength & size.
- My deadlift sucks from floor to knee
- My overhead pressing is pitiful
So here’s what I did last week to get better:
- Overhead Power Holds 5-7 x 6-8 sec each
- Hang Cleans 5 x 5 @ 50-70%
- Band Face Pulls 5 x 15-20
- Reverse Hypers 5 x 15-20
- Speed Bench w/ Fat Bar 6-8 x 3
- Viking Press 3-5 x 1
- Blast Strap Chins 3-5 x 10
- Snatch High Pulls 3 x 8
- TBDL from deficit (work up to easy 1RM)
- Floor Press (work up to 3RM)
- Biceps & Abs = Rope KB Curls & Blast Strap Fallouts
- Bodyweight circuits to get blood moving…3 rounds of
- pushups
- inverted rows
- squats
- Power Holds = Lat Activation
- DB Snatch 5 x 5
- Band Pull-aparts 5 x 20
- Rev Hypers 5 x 15-20
- Rack Deads (for speed) 6-12 x 1
- 3 Board Press 3-5 x 1
- 1-arm DB Rows 3-5 x 10
- Front Squat (work up to 3RM)
- Pullups 3-5 x 3
- KB Skullcrusher 3 x 12
- Abs
- Active Recovery Session
- Overhead Power Hold
- Power Cleans 8 x 3
- Face Pulls 5 x 15-20
- Rev Hypers 5 x 15-20
- Speed Rack Bottom Squats 6-12 x 2
- Good AMs 3-5 x 1
- Chins 5 x 8
- Hang Pull 3 x 8
- Log Push Press (work up to 3RM)
- T-bar Rows 3-5 x 6-10
- Strongman Cardio x 4 rounds (felt drained so did 4 rather than 6 rounds)
- Power Holds
- Front Lever Holds
- Double KB Cleans
- Prowler Sprints
Sunday = OFF/Nothing!
As you can see, I put an emphasis on speed work, training one of the big moves for speed each training session. I also focused on getting a variety of work done to strengthen the prime muscles involved with my weaknesses. Starting strength for the deadlift was training directly with the deficit pulls and the rack bottom squats. The overhead press was trained with holding heavy loads at lockout, speed work, viking presses, and log push presses. Also, the accessory work and olympic lifts done daily will help develop explosiveness, starting speed, strength, and power that will carryover to those my specific weaknesses.