AM Fasted Weight = 193.2
Last week was the first week of my second rotation through the same training session. Again, I’m playing with and experimenting with Chad Coy’s “Turn Off The Governor” template. Normally a cycle would take 3 weeks, but I did take a week off between Week 1 and Week 2 to let my tweaked back recover.
I’ve spoken about progress before, but I want to reiterate…don’t chase soreness or fatigue. The great Christian Thibaudeau once said, “I can hit you with a baseball bat and you’ll be sore. Doesn’t mean you’ll get bigger or stronger.” Focus on progress. Keep a log book and make sure your adding weight, reps, decreasing rest time, or holding moves for longer durations. Bottom line: Don’t get sore, get better!
After 3 training weeks and 4 weeks total here is my progress:
- Power Snatch: done for speed, so I’m working with a 60-80%, but I still jumped 5 pounds for 5 sets of 5 reps
- Push Press: I actually dropped the weight because the last time I went too heavy. Dynamic work should be more explosive than I was in my first rotation through this template.
- Front Squat: 5 singles at about 95% (jumped 10 pounds)
- Swiss Bar Incline: Same weight, added 2 reps to 3rd set…so I went from 10/10/8 to 10/10/10…time to add weight next round!
- Chest Supported Cambered Bar Rows: jumped 20 pounds for 4 x 10
- Conventional Deads: 3RM jumped 30 pounds
- Pullups: 5 x 5 went from bodyweight only to adding 25# plate to a dip/chin belt
- Power Cleans: again, done for speed at 60-80% but I was able to jump up 10lbs here for 5 x 5
- Trap Bar Deads from a 3″ deficit: I used the same weight but used stronger/heavier bands
- Overhead Rack Press: jumped 10 pounds for 5 singles
- Clean High Pulls: jumped 20 pounds…this is a move I used to do frequently but haven’t lately, so it’s coming back quickly
- Yoke Bar Squats: hit a new 1RM, then dropped some weight and hit a new 5RM
- 1-arm DB BP: jumped to the next heaviest dumbbells
- Overhead Power Holds: Feeling much more comfortable with these and starting to pile the weight on! Added 30#
- Hang Snatch: felt really good and added 20#, but that was a bit too much to jump…dropped back to +10# for last 2 sets
- Speed Squats: Same weight, but really grooved these this week, and I will add more chains next week
- Rack Deads: I’m painfully slow off the floor and through the first pull of my O-lifts. Setting this up on the lowest level of the power rack forces me to build starting strength from my weakest point…definitely making me better, stronger, and more explosive!!
- Log Press: Added 20 pounds!
- Front Levers: 4 holds of about 4-5 seconds each…getting better!
What did you do to get better last week?