AM Fasted weight = 192.6

Last week I told you my goal was to not lose weight over the trip. Well, I’m down a little bit but nothing too much. Time to start climbing up. I’d like to hit 195 soon and 200 by the end of the summer.

Last week’s travels disrupted my lifting a bit. I knew the schedule of the seminar would make it extremely difficult to squeeze anything in on Friday or Saturday. With this in mind, I structured my week to allow for those 2 days to be OFF completely.

Monday = Lift Day 1

  • OH Power Holds 5-7 x 6-8 seconds each
  • Power Snatch 8 x 3
  • Band Dislocates (over/backs) 5 x 20
  • Reverse Hypers 5 x 15-20
  • Speed Log Press 8 x 3
  • Speed Box Squat 11 x 2
  • Bench Press – worked up to about 95% and did 5 singles
  • Reverse Band Deadlift – worked up to new 5RM
  • Parallel Chin 5 x 8
  • Bis/Tris/Abs (10 minutes total)

Tuesday = Sprints

  • After a dynamic warmup, I ran 6 x 80m at about 95%
  • There are tennis courts outside our facility and I ran across them since the flat surface was perfect for this!

Wednesday = 30 Minute AM Walk (fasted)

Thursday = Lift Day 2

  • Power Holds 5-7 x 6-8 seconds
  • Hang Clean 8 x 3
  • Band High Row 5 x 20
  • Reverse Hypers 5 x 15-20
  • Speed Deads 10 x 1 w/ short gray EliteFTS bands
  • NG DB OH Press 3-5 x 1 (worked up to about 95% and did 5 singles)
  • Ring Chins 5 x 8
  • Rack Bottom Squat worked up to a new 1RM
  • Meadows Rows 4 x 10
  • Dips 3 x 10

Friday/Saturday = NOTHING (see above!) I’m glad I wasn’t preoccupied with my own lifting, as the seminar demanded my full attention and energy.

Sunday = Lift Day 3

  • OH Power Holds same as above
  • Hang Snatch 5 x 5
  • Band Pull Aparts 5 x 20
  • Reverse Hypers 5 x 15-20
  • Speed Front Squats 10 x 2
  • Speed Incline BP 8 x 3
  • TBDL (deficit) 3-5 x 1 (worked up to about 95% and did 4 singles)
  • Viking Press worked up to a new 5RM
  • Pullups 5 x 8-10