Category Archives: Mindset

Posts related to the mindset of champion.

BHP Shorts 034: The Rule of Thirds

The Rule of Thirds comes from Major League Baseball, where even the best teams lose [...]

BHP Shorts 033: Pros Play The Hits

42 years after it’s release, Jimmy Buffett is still singing Margaritaville at Every. Single. Performance. [...]

BHP 069: Angelo Sisco | The Alpha Hippie

Angelo Sisco, host of The Alpha Hippie podcast and founder of O’Hare CrossFit, joins us [...]

BHP Shorts 032: 120% is BS

Let’s pretend you have a piping hot, mouth-watering pizza in front of you. If I [...]

BHP 068: Live Better | Best Day Ever. Every Day

Meet the humans behind “The World’s Best Health Newsletter”, Co-Founders of the experiential wellness brand [...]

BHP Shorts 031: The Universe Is Lazy

Resistance, in its many forms, awaits us all. None of us will realize our best [...]

BHP Shorts 029: Beliefs Shape Behaviors

What we believe shapes the way we behave, which in turn influences what we build. [...]

BHP Shorts 028: How Navy SEALs Overcome Fear & Anxiety

How can I overcome my fears? How do you deal with anxiety? How can I [...]

BHP Shorts 027: Creative Process, Productivity, and 3 Lessons From Golf

Despite the long title, this BHP Short holds true to our single thought format. Well, [...]